Wojciech Bandurski

(born 1946) received M.S., Sc.D. and Habilitation degrees from Poznan University of Technology, Poland in 1970, 1979 and 1996 respectively. He was with Laboratorie d'Electromagnetisme et Acoustique, Ecole Politechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland in (10.02- 10.08).1992. Currently, he is a professor at Poznan University of Technology.
He is an author as well as co-author of about 100 papers and conferences contributions mostly on analytical and numerical methods in distributed circuits and systems, computer simulation of transients on interconnects in high-speed digital circuits and microwave circuits, transmission line analysis and synthesis, modeling of propagation of electromagnetic wave in UWB channels.
Member of the Revision Committee of Polish Society Theoretical and Applied Electrical Engineering (PTETiS).
When I have time I sail and I go skiing.
Room: 116 (Polanka)
Phone: +48 61 665 3848
Mail: wojciech.bandurski@put.poznan.pl
- Wojciech Bandurski, Agnieszka Wardzińska, Piotr Górniak, Andrzej Woźniak,
Metody analizy pól i propagacji fal elektromagnetycznych w elektronice i telekomunikacji,
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej, 2012, ISBN: 978-83-7775-163-3,
EndNoteCitation - Wojciech Bandurski,
Metody analizy i symulacji połączeń w szybkich układach cyfrowych,
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej, 2006, ISBN: 83-7143-291-7,
Book chapters
- Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
Chapter: The New Vector Fitting Approach to Multiple Convex Obstacles Modeling for UWB Propagation Channels,
Book: Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 10,
Springer, 2014, pp. 147-157, ISBN: 978-1-4614-9499-7,
International journals
- Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
PCE-Based Approach to Worst-Case Scenario Analysis in Wireless Telecommunication Systems,
Progress in Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 84, 2019, pp. 153-170, ISSN: 1937-6472,
Full textEndNoteCitationDOI - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
A New Universal Approach to Time-Domain Modeling and Simulation of UWB Channel Containing Convex Obstacles Using Vector Fitting Algorithm,
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 62, No. 12, 2014, pp. 6394-6405,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Sensitivity Analysis of the Output Signal of VLSI Inverter-Interconnect-Inverter System to Selected Parametres,
IETE Technical Review, Vol. 26, No. 6, November-December 2009, pp. 440-452,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
Direct Time Domain Analisys of an UWB Pulse Distortion by Convex Objects with the Slope Diffraction Included,
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 56, No. 9, September 2008, pp. 3036-3044,
Full textEndNoteCitation
International conferences
- Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Calculations of Frequency Dependent Transmission Line Model for Coupled Exponential Line,
21st IEEE Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity SPI 2017, Baveno, Italy, 7-10 May 2017,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
A new approach to stochastic simulation of EM fields using universal form of polynomial chaos expansion coefficients,
International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications and IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications ICEAA-IEEE APWC 2017, Verona, Italy, 11-15 September 2017,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
Universal approach to polynomial chaos expansion for stochastic analysis of EM field propagation on convex obstacles in an UWB channel,
10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EUCAP 2016, Davos, Switzerland, 10-15 April 2016,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
A new approach to polynomial chaos expansion for stochastic analysis of EM wave propagation in an UWB channel,
Wireless Days 2016, Toulouse, 23-25 March 2016,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Frequency dependent and Nonuniform Parameters Transmission Line Model,
20th IEEE Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity SPI 2016, Torino, Italy, May 8-11, 2016,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Time Domain Simulation for Multiconductor Transmission Line Model with Frequency Dependent Parameters,
International Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC Europe 2016, Wroclaw, Poland, September 5-9, 2016,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Wojciech Bandurski,
Transmission Line Model with Frequency-Dependent and Nonuniform Parameters in Frequency and Time Domain,
19th IEEE Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity SPI 2015, Berlin, Germany, 10-13 May 2015,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
A New Method of Direct Time-Domain Simulations of an UWB Transmission for an Electromagnetic Wave Source Placed on a Convex Obstacle ,
IEEE Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications APWS 2015, Torino, Italy, 7-11 September 2015,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Multiconductor Transmission Line Model with Frequency Dependent Parameters in Time Domain,
22nd European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Trondheim, Norway, 24-26 August 2015,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Multiconductor Transmission Line Scattering Parametres in Time Domain,
Signal and Power Integrity SPI 2014, Ghent, Belgium, 11-14 May 2014,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
The Vector Fitting Approach to Simulation of EM Fields Radiated by UWB Sources Placed on Convex Conducting Surface,
IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband ICUWB 2014, Paris, France, 1-3 September 2014,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
A New Universal Approach to Modeling and Simulation of UWB Channels Containing Convex Obstacles Using Spice-Like Programs,
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCap 2014, Hague, the Netherlands, 6-11 April 2014,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Step response sensitivity of VLSI Interconnects,
17th Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity SPI 2013, Paris, France, 12-15 May 2013,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
An Improved Vector Fitting Approach for Obtaining the Novel Impulse Response for a Diffraction on a Dielectric Convex Obstacle,
7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Gothenburg, Sweden, 8-12 April 2013, pp. 3292-3295, ISBN: 978-88-907018-1-8,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Wojciech Bandurski,
System Fidelity Factor in analysis of inverter-interconnect-inverter VLSI systems,
2012 IEEE 16th Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity, Sorrento, Italy, 13-16 May 2012, pp. 117-120,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Wojciech Bandurski, Agnieszka Wardzińska,
Step response calculation of VLSI low loss inter – connect using S-parameters,
International Conference on Signal and Electronics Systems, ICSES 2012, Wrocław, Poland, 18-21 September 2012, ISBN: 978-1-4673-1710-8,
Full textEndNoteCitationDOI - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
The New Vector Fitting Approach to Modeling of UWB Channels Containing Convex Obstacles,
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2012, 26-30 March 2012,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
The New Vector Fitting Approach to Multiple Convex Obstacles Modeling for UWB Propagation Channels,
European Electromagnetics, EuroEM 2012, Toulouse, France, 02-06 July 2012,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Overshoot and Clock Skew in inverter-interconnect-inverter in VLIS systems,
2011 IEEE 15th Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects (SPI), Naples, Italy, 8-11 May 2011, pp. 147-150,
EndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
Time-Domain Modelling of UWB Channel Containing Many Convex Obstacles in Cascade,
5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EUCAP, Rome, Italy, 11-15 April 2011,
EndNoteCitation - Wojciech Bandurski, Jakub Juchniewicz,
Discrete Model for inter-antennas isolation calculations for radio base station collocation case,
10th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compability EMC Europe 2011, York, UK, 26-30 September 2011,
EndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
VLSI low loss InterConnect scattering parametres,
European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Linkoping, Sweden, 29-31 August 2011,
EndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Step Response to Sensitivity to RLC Parametres of VLSI Interconnect,
7th IEEE International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems, Gliwice, Poland, 7-10 September 2010,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
Simplified model of the convex obstacles transition zone diffraction for carrier UWB signal propagation,
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Barcelona, Spain, 9-13 September 2010,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Rydlichowski, Wojciech Bandurski,
Simulation and modelling of planar EMI/RFI Filters,
ELTE/IMAPS-CPMT Poland 2010 Conference, Wrocław, Poland, 22-25 September 2010,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Sensitivity of threshold crossing time to geometrical dimensions of VLSI interconnects,
16th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Łódź, Poland, 25-27 June 2009,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
Impulse of Transition Zone Diffraction on Many Convex Obstacles in Cascade,
Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference, Loughborough, 16-17 November 2009,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Sensitivity of output response to geometrical dimensions in VLSI interconnects,
13th IEEE Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects, Strasbourg, France, 12-15 May 2009,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
Impulse response of the UWB channel with perfectly and non perfectly conducting convex obstacles,
3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Berlin, Germany, 23-27 March 2009,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Ligocka, Wojciech Bandurski,
Using Multiple Scales Method to calculate threshold crossing time for the ramp response for high inductance VLSI interconnects,
12th Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects, Avignon, France, 12-15 May 2008,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Ligocka, Wojciech Bandurski,
Sensitivity Analysis of VLSI Interconnect Output Signal,
15th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Poznan, Poland, 19-21 June 2008,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Rydlichowski, Wojciech Bandurski,
Modeling and Simulation of The New Type of EMI filter for Integrated Power Electronics Modules,
XXXII International Conference of IMAPS – CPMT IEEE , Pułtusk, Poland, 21-24 September 2008,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Ligocka, Wojciech Bandurski,
Sensitivity Analysis of ramp response of VLSI Interconnects,
International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems, Krakow, Poland, 14-17 September 2008,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
Impulse Response of the convex objects placed very close to each other,
European Electromagnetics, Lausanne, Switzerland, 21-22 July 2008,
EndNoteCitation - Piotr Rydlichowski, Wojciech Bandurski,
Modeling of the New Type of EMI Filter for Integrated Power Electronics Modules,
European Microwave Week Conference, Amsterdam, Holland, 27-31 October 2008,
Full textEndNoteCitation
National journals
- Piotr Górniak, Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Modelowanie i symulacja propagacji fal EM w bezprzewodowych kanałach szerokopasmowych i połączeniach cyfrowych układu VLSI,
Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny, No. 2-3, February/March 2013, pp. 87-90,
National conferences
- Wojciech Bandurski, Piotr Górniak,
System Fidelity Factor for Testing the Quality of UWB signal reception,
XI Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki, Darłówko Wschodnie, Poland, 11-14 June 2012,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
Model czasowy dyfrakcji fali elektromagnetycznej na obiektach wypukłych w strefie przejściowej,
Krajowa Konferencja Radiokomunikacji, Radiofonii i Telewizji KKRRiT 2008, Wrocław, Poland, 9-11 April 2008,
- Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
PCE-Based Approach to Worst-Case Scenario Analysis in Wireless Telecommunication Systems,
Progress in Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 84, 2019, pp. 153-170, ISSN: 1937-6472,
Full textEndNoteCitationDOI
- Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Calculations of Frequency Dependent Transmission Line Model for Coupled Exponential Line,
21st IEEE Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity SPI 2017, Baveno, Italy, 7-10 May 2017,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
A new approach to stochastic simulation of EM fields using universal form of polynomial chaos expansion coefficients,
International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications and IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications ICEAA-IEEE APWC 2017, Verona, Italy, 11-15 September 2017,
Full textEndNoteCitation
- Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
Universal approach to polynomial chaos expansion for stochastic analysis of EM field propagation on convex obstacles in an UWB channel,
10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EUCAP 2016, Davos, Switzerland, 10-15 April 2016,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
A new approach to polynomial chaos expansion for stochastic analysis of EM wave propagation in an UWB channel,
Wireless Days 2016, Toulouse, 23-25 March 2016,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Frequency dependent and Nonuniform Parameters Transmission Line Model,
20th IEEE Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity SPI 2016, Torino, Italy, May 8-11, 2016,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Time Domain Simulation for Multiconductor Transmission Line Model with Frequency Dependent Parameters,
International Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC Europe 2016, Wroclaw, Poland, September 5-9, 2016,
Full textEndNoteCitation
- Wojciech Bandurski,
Transmission Line Model with Frequency-Dependent and Nonuniform Parameters in Frequency and Time Domain,
19th IEEE Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity SPI 2015, Berlin, Germany, 10-13 May 2015,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
A New Method of Direct Time-Domain Simulations of an UWB Transmission for an Electromagnetic Wave Source Placed on a Convex Obstacle ,
IEEE Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications APWS 2015, Torino, Italy, 7-11 September 2015,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Multiconductor Transmission Line Model with Frequency Dependent Parameters in Time Domain,
22nd European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Trondheim, Norway, 24-26 August 2015,
Full textEndNoteCitation
- Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
Chapter: The New Vector Fitting Approach to Multiple Convex Obstacles Modeling for UWB Propagation Channels,
Book: Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 10,
Springer, 2014, pp. 147-157, ISBN: 978-1-4614-9499-7,
EndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Multiconductor Transmission Line Scattering Parametres in Time Domain,
Signal and Power Integrity SPI 2014, Ghent, Belgium, 11-14 May 2014,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
A New Universal Approach to Time-Domain Modeling and Simulation of UWB Channel Containing Convex Obstacles Using Vector Fitting Algorithm,
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 62, No. 12, 2014, pp. 6394-6405,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
The Vector Fitting Approach to Simulation of EM Fields Radiated by UWB Sources Placed on Convex Conducting Surface,
IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband ICUWB 2014, Paris, France, 1-3 September 2014,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
A New Universal Approach to Modeling and Simulation of UWB Channels Containing Convex Obstacles Using Spice-Like Programs,
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCap 2014, Hague, the Netherlands, 6-11 April 2014,
Full textEndNoteCitation
- Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Step response sensitivity of VLSI Interconnects,
17th Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity SPI 2013, Paris, France, 12-15 May 2013,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Modelowanie i symulacja propagacji fal EM w bezprzewodowych kanałach szerokopasmowych i połączeniach cyfrowych układu VLSI,
Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny, No. 2-3, February/March 2013, pp. 87-90,
EndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
An Improved Vector Fitting Approach for Obtaining the Novel Impulse Response for a Diffraction on a Dielectric Convex Obstacle,
7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Gothenburg, Sweden, 8-12 April 2013, pp. 3292-3295, ISBN: 978-88-907018-1-8,
Full textEndNoteCitation
- Wojciech Bandurski, Agnieszka Wardzińska, Piotr Górniak, Andrzej Woźniak,
Metody analizy pól i propagacji fal elektromagnetycznych w elektronice i telekomunikacji,
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej, 2012, ISBN: 978-83-7775-163-3,
EndNoteCitation - Wojciech Bandurski, Piotr Górniak,
System Fidelity Factor for Testing the Quality of UWB signal reception,
XI Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki, Darłówko Wschodnie, Poland, 11-14 June 2012,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Wojciech Bandurski,
System Fidelity Factor in analysis of inverter-interconnect-inverter VLSI systems,
2012 IEEE 16th Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity, Sorrento, Italy, 13-16 May 2012, pp. 117-120,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Wojciech Bandurski, Agnieszka Wardzińska,
Step response calculation of VLSI low loss inter – connect using S-parameters,
International Conference on Signal and Electronics Systems, ICSES 2012, Wrocław, Poland, 18-21 September 2012, ISBN: 978-1-4673-1710-8,
Full textEndNoteCitationDOI - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
The New Vector Fitting Approach to Modeling of UWB Channels Containing Convex Obstacles,
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2012, 26-30 March 2012,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
The New Vector Fitting Approach to Multiple Convex Obstacles Modeling for UWB Propagation Channels,
European Electromagnetics, EuroEM 2012, Toulouse, France, 02-06 July 2012,
Full textEndNoteCitation
- Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Overshoot and Clock Skew in inverter-interconnect-inverter in VLIS systems,
2011 IEEE 15th Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects (SPI), Naples, Italy, 8-11 May 2011, pp. 147-150,
EndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
Time-Domain Modelling of UWB Channel Containing Many Convex Obstacles in Cascade,
5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EUCAP, Rome, Italy, 11-15 April 2011,
EndNoteCitation - Wojciech Bandurski, Jakub Juchniewicz,
Discrete Model for inter-antennas isolation calculations for radio base station collocation case,
10th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compability EMC Europe 2011, York, UK, 26-30 September 2011,
EndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
VLSI low loss InterConnect scattering parametres,
European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Linkoping, Sweden, 29-31 August 2011,
- Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Step Response to Sensitivity to RLC Parametres of VLSI Interconnect,
7th IEEE International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems, Gliwice, Poland, 7-10 September 2010,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
Simplified model of the convex obstacles transition zone diffraction for carrier UWB signal propagation,
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Barcelona, Spain, 9-13 September 2010,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Rydlichowski, Wojciech Bandurski,
Simulation and modelling of planar EMI/RFI Filters,
ELTE/IMAPS-CPMT Poland 2010 Conference, Wrocław, Poland, 22-25 September 2010,
Full textEndNoteCitation
- Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Sensitivity Analysis of the Output Signal of VLSI Inverter-Interconnect-Inverter System to Selected Parametres,
IETE Technical Review, Vol. 26, No. 6, November-December 2009, pp. 440-452,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Sensitivity of threshold crossing time to geometrical dimensions of VLSI interconnects,
16th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Łódź, Poland, 25-27 June 2009,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
Impulse of Transition Zone Diffraction on Many Convex Obstacles in Cascade,
Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference, Loughborough, 16-17 November 2009,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska, Wojciech Bandurski,
Sensitivity of output response to geometrical dimensions in VLSI interconnects,
13th IEEE Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects, Strasbourg, France, 12-15 May 2009,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
Impulse response of the UWB channel with perfectly and non perfectly conducting convex obstacles,
3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Berlin, Germany, 23-27 March 2009,
Full textEndNoteCitation
- Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
Model czasowy dyfrakcji fali elektromagnetycznej na obiektach wypukłych w strefie przejściowej,
Krajowa Konferencja Radiokomunikacji, Radiofonii i Telewizji KKRRiT 2008, Wrocław, Poland, 9-11 April 2008,
EndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Ligocka, Wojciech Bandurski,
Using Multiple Scales Method to calculate threshold crossing time for the ramp response for high inductance VLSI interconnects,
12th Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects, Avignon, France, 12-15 May 2008,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Ligocka, Wojciech Bandurski,
Sensitivity Analysis of VLSI Interconnect Output Signal,
15th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Poznan, Poland, 19-21 June 2008,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Rydlichowski, Wojciech Bandurski,
Modeling and Simulation of The New Type of EMI filter for Integrated Power Electronics Modules,
XXXII International Conference of IMAPS – CPMT IEEE , Pułtusk, Poland, 21-24 September 2008,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
Direct Time Domain Analisys of an UWB Pulse Distortion by Convex Objects with the Slope Diffraction Included,
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 56, No. 9, September 2008, pp. 3036-3044,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Ligocka, Wojciech Bandurski,
Sensitivity Analysis of ramp response of VLSI Interconnects,
International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems, Krakow, Poland, 14-17 September 2008,
Full textEndNoteCitation - Piotr Górniak, Wojciech Bandurski,
Impulse Response of the convex objects placed very close to each other,
European Electromagnetics, Lausanne, Switzerland, 21-22 July 2008,
EndNoteCitation - Piotr Rydlichowski, Wojciech Bandurski,
Modeling of the New Type of EMI Filter for Integrated Power Electronics Modules,
European Microwave Week Conference, Amsterdam, Holland, 27-31 October 2008,
Full textEndNoteCitation
- Wojciech Bandurski,
Metody analizy i symulacji połączeń w szybkich układach cyfrowych,
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej, 2006, ISBN: 83-7143-291-7,
PhD dissertations supervisor
- Piotr Górniak,
Modelowanie ultra szerokopasmowych kanałów telekomunikacyjnych zawierająych przeszkody wypukłe,
PhD Dissertation at Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, 2010,
Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Wojciech Bandurski,
Reviewers: dr hab. inż. Sławomir Hausman, prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Wesołowski,
Abstract (pol)Full text (pol)EndNoteCitation - Agnieszka Wardzińska,
Wpływ indukcyjności na propagację sygnału w połączeniach układów VLSI,
PhD Dissertation at Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, 2009,
Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Wojciech Bandurski,
Reviewers: prof. dr hab. inż. Marek Domański, prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Napieralski,
EndNoteCitation - Andrzej Dobrzański,
Analiza oddziaływań zakłóceń elektromagnetycznych na wejściowe obwody pomiarowe urządzeń pracujących w środowisku stacji elektroenergetycznej,
PhD Dissertation at Poznan University of Technology, 2004,
Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Wojciech Bandurski,
Reviewers: prof. dr hab. inż. Jan Ogrodzki, prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Lorenc,
Full text (pol)EndNoteCitation